Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hammurabi's Code

For all of you interested in reading more about Hammurabi's Code, check out the following link:

Hammurabi's Code

This link comes from Fordham University's Internet History Sourcebook for the Ancient World. The site is geared toward college students so the reading level may be challenging. The link brings you to the actual translation from the stone stele.

The image on the left of this passage a stone stele carved with the laws written for the Empire of Babylon. This Code of Hammurabi, inscribed in black basalt stone around 1760 BC is on display in The Louvre Museum in Paris. It is broken into three different sections. The first is an explanation of how the gods gave Hammurabi the right to make laws and dispense justice.  The top depicts the god Shamash handing a staff - the symbol of royal power - to Hammurabi. The rest of the code details the particulars of laws and punishments.  The Epilogue describes that the king is subject to the laws as well as his subjects