Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday board

Happy holidays from the blue team!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

End of Egypt Unit

Well we are finishing up the Egypt unit and here we are again in the computer lab. Today you will:

  1. Log in to Quia and take the Egypt post quiz
  2. Check your results and compare them with your first attempt (I will have these in class)
When you finish the quiz you have three options:

Option 1: CER paragraph (For students that have been absent)
Option 2: Egypt Q and A
Option 3: Preview Ancient Greece

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Visitor to the classroom

On Wednesday I saw this bird outside the classroom. I am told that it is a red tailed hawk.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Happy Friday!

Today we will start using Quia. Many of you will recognize this from playing the Mesopotamia Hangman games or from your French class. We will be using Quia for online quizzes and games.

Each of you has been assigned a Username and Password. I will hand these out in class. Please see me if you dont get yours due to absence or if you forget it.

To get to Quia please follow the link at the top of this page. The link will take you to my Blue Team page.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Egyptian cosmetics

From discussions in class...  the woman is  applying kohl to her eyes. She also has a wig next to her. What else is in the picture?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More Turkeys!

British Museum Ancient Egypt

Today we are exploring the British Museum's Ancient Egypt site (see Museum Reference page above). Follow the instructions for RC12 found in Google Docs.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Mr. Winkler's Community! If you are bored over the holiday break, check out my games page or the museum resources page on the links at the top of this site.
Thanksgiving "Hand-turkeys"

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Nile River

 The videos below are decent introductions to the Nile River and a study of Ancient Egypt. Unfortunately I don't have English subtitles for the French speaker. The video on the right is by Dr. David Neiman. It is a scholar lecture about the Nile and Egypt

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mesopotamia Vocabulary

The Mesopotamia Vocabulary quiz is this week. Try out this Hangman game as a way to quiz yourself.

Friday, November 9, 2012

British Museum

Check out the British Museum's interactive Mesopotamia Website. Choose a topic, read the stories and explore the topic in greater detail. Then take the challenge. This will give you some experiences with the first civilizations in the world.

I liked the geography topic, especially the farming challenge.

Another popular topic is the Royal tombs of Ur

Another great topic is time, this gives an idea about how archaeologists learn about ancient civilizations

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hammurabi's Code

For all of you interested in reading more about Hammurabi's Code, check out the following link:

Hammurabi's Code

This link comes from Fordham University's Internet History Sourcebook for the Ancient World. The site is geared toward college students so the reading level may be challenging. The link brings you to the actual translation from the stone stele.

The image on the left of this passage a stone stele carved with the laws written for the Empire of Babylon. This Code of Hammurabi, inscribed in black basalt stone around 1760 BC is on display in The Louvre Museum in Paris. It is broken into three different sections. The first is an explanation of how the gods gave Hammurabi the right to make laws and dispense justice.  The top depicts the god Shamash handing a staff - the symbol of royal power - to Hammurabi. The rest of the code details the particulars of laws and punishments.  The Epilogue describes that the king is subject to the laws as well as his subjects

Monday, November 5, 2012

Electoral College

The Election is here! Check out these sites for election information

Who is Candy Glazier and why should you care?

2008 electors

NARA Electoral College

CNN Electoral College map

Past electoral college maps

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mesopotamian Empires Quiz

Today's Agenda:

  1. Open up an internet browser (Use CHROME or FIREFOX)
  2. Sign in to Google Docs
  3. Go to my Social Studies folder (Look in River Civilizations)
  4. Open the Mesopotamian Empires Quiz document
  5. Take the quizzes
  6. When you are done with the quiz check out the British Museum's Mesopotamia page

Your task:
 RC08 Review of the British Museum's Mesopotamia page
  • Write a review of the website in your google docs
    • Is this a good website?
    • What was your favorite part of the site?
    • What was the least favorite part of the site?
    • Was it easy to use? interesting? challenging? difficult?
    • Would you recommend this website to others?